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Here at J&P Associates Ltd., our drive to help our clients is unmatched. We eagerly provide representative payee services as required by Social Security for those who are in need of service. Our number one goal is to help those in need to the best of our ability.

What is a Representative Payee?

A representative payee is a person/organization helps individuals effectively manage their Social Security or SSI benefits. The main duties of a representative payee are to ensure that their client's benefits are being used to pay for their current and future needs as beneficiaries of Social Security and SSI. Representative payees make sure all needed expenses of their clients are paid for and are in charge of saving money that their clients don't currently need so that they have money when it is needed in the future. Our company is required to keep detailed records of the expenses for our clients, and we provide accounting to Social Social Security as to how our clients use or save their benefits. Being a representative payee is different from being an authorized representative, having power of attorney, or a joint bank account with Social Security beneficiaries. We do not have the legal authority to negotiate and manage a beneficiary's Social Security and/or SSI benefits.

For more information on representative payee's please visit the Social Security Administrations website below: 

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